This Privacy & Cookie Policy refers to the processing of data provided by you or otherwise obtained when visiting, or via the use of business contacts provided via the aforementioned website, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (henceforth the “GDPR”).



Pursuant to art. 4 of the GDPR, the Data Controller is OLEV S.r.l. di Lanaro Andrea, with registered offices in Via del Progresso 40, 36060, Colceresa, Italy.

For additional information or to assert your rights pursuant to art. 6, the Controller can be contacted as follows:

  • Telephone: +39 0424 411403
  • Email:




During their normal functioning, the computing systems and software procedures used by our website collect some personal data, the transmission of which is inherent to the use of internet communication protocols. The aforementioned data are not collected with the purpose of being associated to data subjects. However, via processing and association with data held by third parties, the aforementioned data may make it possible to identify data subjects. This category includes IP addresses or the domain names of the computer used by data subjects to connect to the site, URI (uniform resource identifier) format web addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to send the request to the server, the size of the response file, the numeric code indicating the status of the response from the server (completed, error, etc.) and other parameters relative to the user’s operating system and computer environment.


These data are used to:

obtain anonymous statistical information about the use of the site;

manage and control the way in which the site is used, identify anomalies and/or misuse;

determine liability in case of cybercrime against the site and/or third parties.

The processing of such data is legitimated by the need to make the site’s features function properly following access by the user.



The collection of personal data may occur voluntarily via the sending of an email to the addresses listed on the website and/or through forms that can be compiled on the website. This includes the Controller’s collection of sender email addresses, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any potential personal data requested or transmitted voluntarily within an email message.

The personal data collected in such a manner shall be used by the Controller to:

  • a) provide the requested information and/or services (e.g. consultancy, estimates, downloading of catalogues/books/magazines, etc.);
    If necessary, the contact data will be sent to the area agent/agency that will reply to the user’s requests on behalf of OLEV.
    All the requests will be managed by a system that monitors the user’s behaviour regarding the reception and reading of communications and the access to links included therein. The use of this system is inseparable from the aforementioned purpose for technical reasons connected to the CRM being used.
    The legal basis that legitimates the processing is the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted upon the request of the data subject, the legitimate interest of the Data Controller and, where needed, the consent of the data subject.  The provision of data is optional, however, failure to provide data marked as mandatory (*) will make it impossible for the user to proceed with sending the request.
  • b) Send commercial communications with traditional and/or digital and/or automated methods, e.g. by paper-based mail, e-mail, SMS and the like (Marketing). This activity requires the profiling of the data subject for the sole purpose of evaluating the interest or not in receiving the newsletter. Marketing is connected and bound to profiling as the CRM system does not consent one without the other for technical reasons.
    The legal basis is the consent that has been freely provided by the data subject. The provision of data is optional, and its use is subject to explicit consent. Any refusal will make it impossible for the Data Controller to send newsletters. In the event of commercial communications being sent to customers who have already used OLEV products and / or services, the processing is based on the Controller legitimate interest in keeping the customer up-to-date with regard to products and services similar to those they have already  previously used (“Soft Spam”). It is however possible to quit the receipt of communications without any consequence other than that to not receive further communications of this kind.
  • c) Obtain a 5-year warranty extension. Extending the warranty grants the right to access promotions reserved for those who choose that option. The promotions (e.g. discounts, promotions on new products, invitations to events to present products with advantageous prices reserved for you), will be communicated with traditional and/or digital and/or automated methods, e.g. by paper-based mail, e-mail, SMS and the like.

The legal basis is the consent that has been freely provided by the data subject. The provision of data is optional, and its use is subject to explicit consent. Any refusal will make it impossible for the Data Controller to proceed with extending the warranty and granting promotions to the customer.


Thanks to cookies, a website ‘remembers’ user actions and preferences (e.g.: login data, preferred language, character/font size, other display settings, etc.) so that these preferences don’t have to be set each time the user returns to the website or browses to a page within it. Cookies are thus used for digital authentication, to monitor web sessions and to save information about the activities of users who access a website. They may contain a unique identifying code that makes it possible to track the user while browsing within the website itself for statistical and advertising purposes.

Some operations cannot be completed without the use of cookies, which in some cases are technically necessary for the site to function.

When browsing a website, cookies from sites or web servers other than the one being visited may be stored on the user’s computer or mobile device (called ‘third-party cookies’).

One common example of third-party cookies is Google Analytics. You can consult Google’s privacy policy here:


There are two macro categories of cookies:



These are the cookies used exclusively to communicate via a digital communication network, or to the degree strictly necessary to provide a service explicitly requested by the user. In other words, these cookies are absolutely necessary for a site to function or to carry out an activity requested by a user.


No prior consent from the user is necessary to install these cookies, without prejudice to the obligation to provide the user with the policy. Required cookies will thus always be used and sent, unless the user modifies the settings of his/her browser.


They can be divided into:

1. transient or session cookies, which ensure the normal browsing and use of the website (making it possible, for example, to log in to reserved areas);

2. analytic cookies, integrated with the required cookies when used directly by the site’s manager to gather information, in an aggregated form, on the number of users and how they visit the site, and to understand what parts or elements of it are most enjoyed by users. 

3. functional cookies, which let the user browse according to a series of selected criteria (such as language, products selected for purchase) in order to improve the services offered.

Required cookies may be:

  • persistent: once the browser is closed, they are not deleted; instead they remain until a pre-set date
  • session: these cookies are deleted each time the browser is closed



Profiling cookies are aimed at creating profiles relative to the user and are used to send advertising messages that match the preferences shown by the user while browsing the web. Due to the particular invasiveness that such cookies may have in relation to the private sphere of users, European and Italian law require that the user be properly informed of the use of said cookies and thereby give his/her explicit consent for their use.



At any time, users may reject all or some of the cookies used by this website simply by selecting, within his/her browser, the settings that disable them.

Each browser has specific configuration instructions. More information on the procedures to follow to disable cookies can be found on the website of your browser’s provider.

Google Chrome:

Mozilla Firefox:

Internet Explorer:

Apple Safari:

Microsoft Edge


In addition, you can manage your choices with regard to third-party cookies using online platforms such as AdChoice.


To disable cookies from Google Analytics only, you can use the add-on made available by Google at the following link, following the indicated steps

With cookies disabled, it is still possible to use some parts of the website, though some services may no longer be available.



This site uses both persistent and session cookies to improve your browsing experience.

“Third-party” cookies and profiling cookies are also used. The latter are used to observe the preferences you reveal when using the Site and to show you advertising messages that are in line with those preferences.

Managing the information collected by the “third parties” and the type of personal data processing are governed by the relative information, which you are kindly requested to refer to.


Google Analytics cookies (Google Inc.)

Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses the Personal Data collected for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this Site, compiling reports and sharing them with other Google-developed services.

Google may use Personal Data to contextualize and personalize its advertising network.

Processing location: USA

Privacy Policy

Opt Out         cookies

These cookies are used by the Cloudflare content network to identify reliable web traffic.

Privacy Policy


Social network cookies and external platforms (,,,

These cookies are used to allow the Site to be associated with social networks and other online platforms and for the operation of all the services connected to social media such as:

Interaction with social networks: these cookies are used to allow all the services on the site associated with social platforms such as Google, YouTube and Vimeo to operate. For example, they allow the preferences of the user’s video reader to be memorized, and analyse statistical information such as the frequency of viewing YouTube videos, Google maps, etc.

Remarketing and behavioural targeting: this type of service allows this site and its partners to communicate, optimize and serve advertisements based on the past use of this site by the User.

In addition to the opt-out possibility offered by the previously listed services, the User may opt for the exclusion from receiving cookies related to a third service by visiting the opt-out page of the Network Advertising Initiative (

Processing location: USA

Privacy Policy Google, YouTube  

Privacy Policy Facebook

Privacy Policy Vimeo                    cookies

Cookies used by Google DoubleClick to record and report your action on this Website after having viewed or clicked on an ad, so the performance of such ad can be evaluated, and relevant ads can be submitted to you

Privacy Policy  Google  



The processing of collected personal data is done by internal staff that has been selected and authorized for this purpose according to specific instructions given in compliance with applicable legislation.

When necessary to carry out the indicated scope, collected personal data may be processed by:

  • Third parties such as area commercial agencies/agents qualified according to the case as Data Processors or autonomous data controllers;
  • Third-party suppliers of the services necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the website (e.g.: companies that offer hosting services);
  • Third parties that provide services to analyse website browsing data;
  • With the optional consent of the user, third parties that provide services to automatically send our newsletter and/or any other type of marketing materials, services, promotions, analysis of consumer habits and choices, and profiling.

In these areas, personal data may also be transferred abroad (in the context of using cloud storage platforms or in the case of communicating data to agents/agencies based outside the EEA).

The Data Controller is committed to entrusting your personal data exclusively to recipients who, in terms of technology, experience, abilities and reliability, provide a suitable guarantee of complete compliance with the GDPR, with particular regard to data security and respect for the fundamental freedoms of data subjects.
By contacting the Data Controller, it is possible to know the area agent/agency to whom the data has been communicated.
Your personal data will not be the subject of distribution.



All data will be stored for the time necessary to fulfil any obligations, including of a fiscal or accounting nature, connected to or deriving from the specific service requested, pursuant to art. 5, paragraph 1(e) of the GDPR.



Your personal data will be processed pursuant to the principles of lawfulness, appropriate conduct and transparency, in order to protect your privacy and your rights. The Controller is committed to processing your data according to the principle of ‘minimization’, that is, collecting and processing data only when necessary and with organizational and logistical methods that are strictly related to the stated purposes. Such data will be saved on digital devices, paper, and any other potentially suitable way, in compliance with the GDPR, adopting the proper security measures aimed at blocking their unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or deletion.



Data Subjects have the right to ask the Data Controller:

  • for access their data (art. 15 of the GDPR)
  • for the rectification of their data (art. 16);
  • for the erasure of their data (‘right to be forgotten’, art. 17);
  • to restrict processing (art. 18).

In addition, Data Subjects have a right to:

  • object to the processing of their data (art. 21);
  • data portability (art. 20).

Lastly, Data Subjects have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority if they believe there has been a violation of their data. Data Subjects have the right to withdraw consent at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing completed prior to the withdrawal of consent.

Data Subjects can exercise their rights at any time by contacting the Controller or by writing an email to the address in section 1 above.
