Boost your sales by differentiating yourself from your competitors

Be unlike anyone else and you will have no competition
Offer to your customers lamps that are truly different from what has been around for years, offer OLEV.
Apply to become an OLEV dealer
What are the advantages of being an OLEV’s partner?
You just have to combine the originality of our lamps with your sales experience to see your turnover increase with no problem.
OLEV is a young and fresh Italian company, in constant growth: that’s why our lamps are unique compared to what the market has been offering for years.
You’ll be able to display in your shop window some modern lamps like anything seen before in the lighting sector.
Customers walking by your shop will drop their jaws when they see such a terrific novelty.
And you will have no competition… you will sell effortlessly and without having to match others’ price.
No customer will ask for comparison quotes, because our lamps have never been seen before.
- You will get extra discounts when you sign up for the annual partnership
- You will be included in our on-line map of ‘Boutique’ retailers and will automatically receive all quote requests in your province
- You can offer your customers some truly unique lamps that differentiate you from all your competitors
- You will not have to “go to war on prices” because our lamps are new on the market
- Made in Italy lamps of extremely high quality