New sound-absorbing lights: here’s the ultimate guide for architects

Olevlight Projects, Technology


Today, people are gravitating towards more comfortable spaces and environments.

This is true for the house, which should be your fortress of comfort after a long hard day of work, but also for the office and the places where we spend our free time.

The psycho-physical well-being of the individual should be the ultimate goal of architecture and design, which must succeed in creating human-centered environments.

And in this sense, acoustic comfort is a fundamental aspect.

According to the WHO, World Health Organization, excessive noise can cause several health problems, hurts workplace productivity and also affects social behavior.

That’s why one of the most interesting innovations for a design aimed at improving people’s well-being is the blend of visual comfort and acoustic comfort in sound-absorbing lamps.

If you want to learn more about these technologies and how to exploit their potential for your projects, in this article you will have all the answers you need.

What are sound-absorbing lamps?

Sound-absorbing lamps are lighting fixtures featuring materials with sound-absorbing properties.

Thanks to these materials, sound-absorbing lamps help cut down on ambient noise, which is often amplified by natural reverb.

Sound-absorbing lamps are a valid alternative to sound-absorbing panels that direct mount to a wall or ceiling, and which generate effects that are not always pleasant from an aesthetic point of view.

Why choose sound-absorbing lamps to illuminate restaurants and hotels


It will certainly also happened to you to spend an evening in a restaurant where the food was good and the service excellent …

… But the environment so noisy as to make it difficult to converse even with those who were in front of you.

The excessive noise of a restaurant can have a lethal effect on the customer’s experience.

Just read the reviews of the portals as TripAdvisor to note the attention that customers give to this aspect.

This is why when designing a restaurant, especially a classy one, a sound-absorbing lamp can be the ideal tool to solve a concrete problem for your clients.

Why choose sound-absorbing lamps to light up offices




In the office it is very often a place where the overload of noises causes more distress, it distracts people from work.

Think of the open space model, now one of the most used for its practicality.

Without walls and dividing walls, it is also one of the environments in which acoustic stresses become excessive.

The colleague who speaks aloud, the conversations between colleagues sitting a few desks away, the phones ringing: these noises can drastically worsen performance, as well as provoke annoying reactions and frustration.

If you are designing an office, sound absorbing lamps can give you a concrete benefit in creating an environment that promotes productivity.

Silence collection by OLEV: designer sound-absorbing lamps


Sound-absorbing lamps are not a recent novelty, but most of the models on the market had obvious limits in aesthetic terms.

These were functional objects, but certainly not suitable for furnishing an environment in an elegant way.

This is why we at OLEV wanted to create designer sound-absorbing lamps


The lamps of the Silence series have been designed to guarantee correct lighting and reduce the noise level of the environment without giving up the personality of a refined design element.

This is possible thanks to the special sound-absorbing materials chosen for the lighting bodies, as the natural lichen and the microperforated sheet.

  • The stabilized natural lichen is selected and applied on hand lamps. Thanks to its volume it absorbs the noises by damping the sound. In fact, the lichen:
    • remains fresh and soft over time
    • is antistatic
    • does not grow
    • does not need water
    • is a hostile environment for insect reproduction
    • is certified for sound absorption
    • is certified for fire resistance


  • The microperforated sheet metal. The hundreds of micro-holes on the surface of the lamp make it an excellent tool for absorbing noise. The internal lamp body features a soft sponge which increases the sound absorption properties.

In addition to damping noise, the Silence series integrates OLEV LED technologies to guarantee the correct lighting of the environment and maximum visual comfort.

So the Biolight technology, which reproduces the external lighting based on the time of day, and the Active technology, which regulates itself based on the amount of natural light.


If you are an architect and you want to discover the sound-absorbing designer lamps of the Silence series by OLEV, click HERE and download the Preview for free.